Does beans make you fart?

You are probably just coming from your Dietician’s appointment and beans is the list of the recommended foods. Then you remember you have a ‘personal problem’ with beans….You fart legit farts 😁

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While beans are a nutritious food packed with essential nutrients, they can also cause gas and bloating due to their high fiber content.

Beans contain oligosaccharides, which are not easily digested in the small intestine,so they’re fermented by bacteria in the large intestine, resulting in gas.

Beans are indispensable in our diets. Here’s a few tips to reduce the gas produced.

📌 Soak your beans overnight and cook them the following day. Remember to discard the water used to soak it.
📌 Properly cook your beans until soft to ensure the fibre is well broken down. This ensures little work required in the intestines hence minimal gas production.
📌 Even after boiling, rinse off the muddy soup at the bottom of your pot before frying or any further preparation and spicing is required.
While this may do away with some of the nutrients, this can be fixed by adding natural spices like coriander,garlic and pepper to your final steps inorder to back it up.

📌 Adding whole carrots in the pot during the boiling stage ensures most hashtag#toxic_lectins are absorbed into the carrots. 👉Just ensure you don’t eat the carrots afterwards.
📌 Chew your beans properly. The goal is to fully digest oligosaccharides before they reach the large intestines. Take your time.

📌Vary your beans
You may find that you can cope with certain beans better than others, so if you can’t seem to agree with one, try others to see which one you tolerate best. There are two different types of the oligosaccharides in beans, and you may find that it’s only one of them that causes you issues. Experiment!

📌Don’t drink too much with your meal
Drinking a lot of liquid with your beans dilutes your stomach acid and can slow digestion, causing more gut discomfort. If less digestion occurs, more foods will pass into the large intestine and get digested by the microbiome, causing gas.

💡 Exceptions are gut soothing teas like fennel, peppermint or ginger


📌Add a cup of yoghurt to the meal.
Bloating, gut pains and smelly flatulence can indicate an imbalance in the gut flora. Your gut bacteria can be either very helpful to your health, or quite destructive to it! Probiotics can help to repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria.



hashtag#Beans hashtag#Flatulence hashtag#Farting hashtag#Oligosaccharides hashtag#Gut hashtag#probiotics hashtag#Digestion

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