Are you visiting at a cancer centre and you’re wondering what to bring to your loved ones?

Guess I came just in time!
We dearly hope for our people to get better ASAP, so it’s important to drop in with food products that may help protect and fight against cancer, albeit little.
hashtag#KEFIR should be your go to!

Here are some fascinating studies on how kefir helps against specific cancers:
One study looked at the effects of kefir and yoghurt extracts on breast cancer cells [1].

Fermented for 24 hours, kefir showed significantly suppressive effects on cancer cells. Amazingly, it was just the cancer cells suppressed as it showed no suppressive impact at all on normal cells. Kefir decreased the cancerous cell number more.

Another study used mice instead of directly testing cells [2].
Mice injected with breast cancer, fed more kefir and then tested 27 days later showed less tumour breast growth after 27 days as compared to the control. They also showed an increase of IgA cells in the mammary area only in the mice injected with breast cancer. It’s likely that the IgA cells are used to bind toxic metabolites from the cancer. Another mysterious protective mechanism powered purely by kefir.

In one leukaemia study, it was shown that kefir inhibits the proliferation of leukaemia cells as demonstrated on two different leukaemia cell lines [3].
Also, it showed cancer cell deaths without showing any normal cell death. The study also checked to see if kefir had an effect on metastasis (the ability to spread).

Another Leukaemia study also confirmed the ability of kefir to stop the growth of leukaemia cancer cells [4]. They showed that it was effective at all concentrations tested, showed massive effects without hurting normal cells.

Kefir has high amounts of acetic and lactic acid which are supposed to help protect against the DNA damage in the colon that leads to cancer. One study specifically focused on protective abilities of kefir [5].

The kefir extract significantly slowed the lab induced DNA damage at all levels of concentration. In contrast, the unfermented milk (regular milk) showed no protective ability against DNA damage. The authors of the study claim that that it’s due to the antioxidants in kefir.

Another study on colon cancer shows that once again, kefir kills cancer cells [6].
In the study, kefir reduced the proliferation of colon cancer cells.

Effects of a kefir extract on different types of human melanoma cells [7]. The study suggests that kefir has the ability to protect cells from UV damage.

P.S. Kefir indicates no positive affect on stopping cancer spread.

Bottom Line Kefir
👉Decrease free radicles (ROS)
👉Kills cancer cells.
👉Preserves normal cells.
👉Protects against colon cancer and skin cancer.

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