Don’t act like a woman part II

Happy today, Angry tomorrow, and Tired the next day…Ever wondered why women can’t just stay in one character?😀

A woman’s cycle is a rollercoaster of emotions and changes every week. You shouldn’t expect the same behavior pattern throughout the month. In some cases it’s worse because women are less informed on how to eat for each phase.

Here’s a brief Nutritional Tips for Each Phase

* hashtag#Follicular_Phase:
Highly active. Most productive.

👉Focus on complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and fruits for energy and hormone production.

* hashtag#Ovulation:
💃Very happy and playful .Visibly glowing.

👉Increase intake of healthy fats to support hormone balance.

* hashtag#Luteal_Phase:
She Easily cries. Sad. Tired.

Will bleed in ‘next week’

👉Prioritize magnesium-rich foods to alleviate pre-menstrual symptoms and support mood.

* hashtag#Menstruation:
She’s bleeding!

👉Needs iron-rich foods to replenish blood loss.

P.S. Drink plenty of water throughout your cycle to avoid dehydration and support overall health.

It takes a lot for a woman to maintain same attitude and work with the same agility throughout the month.

Please accord women the support they need.

P.S.S. Find more Specific guidelines in the link on the comment section.


video credits: Oyinda-fitness


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