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Is your interview near and you’re wondering how to eat for your anxiety disorder? Interview can be nerve wrecking from the anticipation of the process through the actual session and even afterwards when you’re waiting for the results. The symptoms…


Blessings come in different kinds, some just don’t get sick often, some don’t get fat….In my City, Nairobi, some are blessed to eat! They just can’t seem to stop! You might have interacted with people who just don’t stop eating,…

drinking ALKALINE WATER may not be fancy after all..

I caught wind that many people are low key ill advised to take alkaline water to help with acidity and even ulcers. Let’s delve into the whats and the what nots of drinking alkaline water. Normal water has a pH…


Post partum is a period after birthing, most crucial within the first 6 months of childbirth. On tackling this, there’s need to understand the physiological needs, lost nutrients to be revived and extra nutrients required to produce milk and aid…

Did you know that the human brain has a Vanishing Act?

….like how ‘Out of Sight’ Makes Things Disappear from it’s programming? “Out of sight out of mind” can simply mean that we are bound to forget the things we don’t see often. Here’s how you can employ this technique for…